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TK1024.03 جهاز اختبار حاقن HEUI

TK1024.03 جهاز اختبار حاقن HEUI

وحدة SKU: TK1024.03


Higher Pressure....

New Hydraulic System is capable to provide 300 Bar Test Oil Pressure at max 4 L/min flow rate.


Standard Test Oil...

Use ISO4113 to test HEUI injectors with precision.


Automatic High Pressure Setting...

New Hydraulic System sets pressure automatically, testing continues without interruption.


Much Faster Testing.... No need to attend testing....

New control application and automatic high pressure testing eliminates the need for an operator to stand and observe testing. HEUI injectors are now tested just like Common Rail Injectors, uninterrupted till the end of the test.


PD FlowMeter for more accuracy and repeatability

New Metering System response time is less than 3 s and it is the key factor behind the fast testing. The metering system has resolution of 0,3 mm3 with 0.5% FS Accuracy Level, making TK1024.03 the most accurate test bench in the market.



Convenient set-up for testing

Sleeve adapters for various HEUI injectors are designed to arrange faster set-up for testing. Horizontal layout, allows easier assembly for testing and better view of injector spray.


Flushing Tank

It is important to drain the engine oil in the injector during the first step of the test, to a different tank to keep the test oil tank clean. Filthy Engine oil in the injector can easily contaminate the test oil tank and cause to change the test oil more frequently. However TK1024 has a flushing tank and reminds the operator to flush the injector before starting to test the injector. Therefore the Test oil tank remains clean longer period of time. 

Additionaly Flushing tank has a level switch to warn the operator and stop testing if the flushing tank is full. 


New Control Application and Test Plan Editing Features

New Application allows the user to create new test plans based on the Generic Test plans. The user can also modify Signal parameters that allows to create different test modes to detect various problems of HEUI Injectors.


Important Test Parameters to understand the assembly conditions of HEUI Injectors:

  • BIPBeginning of Injection Period; namely the time delay until the injector solenoid activation to start the injection cycle,
  • NRTNozzle Response Time; namely the time delay until the delivery of fuel from the nozzle.


Both of these parameters play important role in determining the performance of the injector on the engine, eliminating all timing related problems when assembled on the engine


BIP is basically related with solenoid condition and the assemby on solenoid over the injector poppet valve control group. The solenoid's current leakage may result in extensive delay to cause the injector to go into injection cylce much later than its design requirements. Similarly the assembly of the solenoid with respect to air gap and valve stroke settings may cause the solenoid to act delayed or earlier than the design requirements. BIP measurement during test helps to diagnose solenoid related problems.


NRT is related with intensifier piston operation and nozzle spring tension setting. In the case of intensifier piston leakage or sieze the delay in intensifier piston will cause the delivery of fuel from the nozzle delayed. Similarly the nozzle spring setting being too soft or tight will cause earlier or later start of delivery. Each case will have significant delays in start of fuel delivery and cause timing related problems in the engine operation.


BIP and NRT will help you determine the timing performance of the HEUI injector and diagnose the location of the problem being either on the solenoid assembly or intensifier piston/nozzle assembly group. 


Fuel delivery tolerances usually too broad to discover such timing related problems, causing the problems to be detected only after mounted on the engine, causing returns from the customers.



Flushing Tank

It is important to drain the engine oil in the injector during the first step of the test, to a different tank to keep the test oil tank clean. Filthy Engine oil in the injector can easily contaminate the test oil tank and cause to change the test oil more frequently. However TK1024 has a flushing tank and reminds the operator to flush the injector before starting to test the injector. Therefore the Test oil tank remains clean longer period of time. 

Additionaly Flushing tank has a level switch to warn the operator and stop testing if the flushing tank is full. 


Excellence in testing

Special control software gives the professionals extraordinary test plan management. Flexibility to create new test schemes enables operator to design new test plans for HEUI injectors. Test plan creator feature solves an important problem to obtain and save test data for HEUI injectors.


BIP is basically related with solenoid condition and the assemby on solenoid over the injector poppet valve control group. The solenoid's current leakage may result in extensive delay to cause the injector to go into injection cylce much later than its design requirements. Similarly the assembly of the solenoid with respect to air gap and valve stroke settings may cause the solenoid to act delayed or earlier than the design requirements. BIP measurement during test helps to diagnose solenoid related problems.


NRT is related with intensifier piston operation and nozzle spring tension setting. In the case of intensifier piston leakage or sieze the delay in intensifier piston will cause the delivery of fuel from the nozzle delayed. Similarly the nozzle spring setting being too soft or tight will cause earlier or later start of delivery. Each case will have significant delays in start of fuel delivery and cause timing related problems in the engine operation.



Fuel delivery tolerances usually too broad to discover such timing related problems, causing the problems to be detected only after mounted on the engine, causing returns from the customers.

المواصفات الفنية

مواصفات دوائر الضغط العالي
مضخة HP: 9 لتر / دقيقة ؛ مضخة والعتاد
أقصى ضغط: 200 بار
التحكم التلقائي في HP

مواصفات دوائر الضغط المنخفض
مضخة LP: مضخة كهربائية ، 4 لتر / دقيقة
أقصى ضغط: 4 بار
منظم LP: يدوي

ارتفاع ضغط 0-300 بار ؛ رقمي
ضغط منخفض 0-6 بار ؛ رقمي
نوع التدفق والعتاد 0-200 مم 3 / السكتة الدماغية ؛ رقمي
درجة الحرارة 10-160 درجة مئوية ؛ رقمي

  • أبعاد

    أبعاد الآلة:

    العرض: 930 مم

    العمق: 650 ملم

    الإرتفاع: ١٦٩٠ ملم

    الوزن: 270 كجم

    أبعاد التعبئة:

    العرض: 1090 مم

    العمق: ٨٦٠ ملم

    الإرتفاع: ١٨٩٠ ملم

    الوزن: 360 كجم


Adalet Mah. 2132/2 Sk. No:3 Trend Office D:29 Bayrakli, PK:35530, Izmir/Turkey

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